Dr. Erica Steele: How does googling your health problems create even more problems? Featured
Our next guest is Dr. Erica Steele! She is an extensively educated and trained board-certified naturopathic doctor, doctor of natural medicine and certified functional medicine practitioner. Dr. Steele specializes in natural health, healing, d..
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- Posted in Fraternity/Sorority
Allison Hong Merrill: How do we stop racism? Featured
Allison Hong Merrill writes in both Chinese and English, both fiction and creative nonfiction, which means she spends a lot of time looking up words on Dictionary.com. She’s a Pushcart Prize nominee and her work has won both national and int..
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- Posted in Fraternity/Sorority
Patricia Stahl: What are effective strategies if you are bullied or hazed in college? Featured
Our next guest is Patricia Stahl. Patty is a therapist in private practice specializing in social anxiety. Again and again in her work, she has witnessed firsthand how enduring bullying as a child can leave painful scars that are carried into ..
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- Posted in Fraternity/Sorority
John Hatfield: Can fraternities/sororities adapt and continue to succeed for the next century? Featured
Our next guest is John Hatfield. John a savvy, innovative leader with extensive experience communicating vision and strategic direction by creating scalable and effective learning solutions with delivery to diverse national and international a..
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- Posted in Fraternity/Sorority
Randy Rolfe: How do you create a life of balance and abundance? Featured
“You Can Postpone Anything But Love” is Randy Rolfe’s mantra, and the title of the first of a number of bestselling books she has published on parenting and happy healthy family life. She became a lawyer looking to enter diplomac..
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