Racism in Context: How to Talk to Students About the Ahmaud Arbery Killing

Welcome to our town hall on Racism in Context.

Our objectives are to:

1. Educate professional staff on the challenges facing African-American students in the wake of the Ahmaud Arbery incident.

2. Place the Ahmaud Arbery incident in its proper context given the long history of vigilantism, over-policing, unfair targeting and unconscious bias towards African-Americans and other people of color.

3. Provide space for dialogue around this and other incidents of racial bias.

4. Educate professional staff on how to support students who may be struggling with feelings of belonging and safety in the wake of society racial bias.

Our Panelists:

Cecilia Olusola Tribble – Expert on racial equity

Morgan I. Williams – Diversity Peer Educator, student perspective

Robert Lawrence Wilson – Diversity and Inclusion expert

Edson O’Neale – Former Greek Advisor and Higher Education Professional, professional staff perspective

Our Moderator:

Michael Ayalon – CEO of Greek University

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHMAcJL40vU