Adam DeRito: How can we prevent sexual assaults in military academies?

We interview Adam DeRito who enrolled in the US Air Force Academy in 2006 and eventually becomes an informant looking for misconduct from within the Academy. Adam was later a victim of a sexual assault and files a report of the incident with both the Academy and the local police in Fort Collins. Adam is then expelled just before graduation and the Academy asks him to pay a bill of over $200,000 for his education without giving him the degree that he earned. After enlisting in the Colorado National Guard in 2015 and then wanting to be a helicopter pilot in 2017, Adam found out that the US Air Force Academy listed several psychological conditions on his record while he was a civilian. You’ll also hear about his case in the US District Court in Colorado. Given this experience, Adam shares his advice for today’s college students that are victims of a sexual assault, and also what the military academies could do to reduce the number of sexual assault incidents. Link: