Penn State Thon raises $9,770,332.32 to Battle Pediatric Cancer


46 hours at Thon ended, and then the big reveal showed that the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic dance marathon had raised $9,770,332.32 for the battle against Pediatric Cancer this year. According to this article, 798 dancers participated in the dance marathon, and they had 15,000 total student volunteers.  Every year, I’m just in awe of what the Penn State students are able to do as a community. It’s what defines them and their organizations on campus, and they are willing to stay on their feet for 46 hours to prove it. It’s a year long commitment to raising money for this cause, and showing in action what their values really are.

Just this past week I was talking with several Greek communities, and many of them do a good job on their individual community service and philanthropy events within each chapter. However, they weren’t always working with other fraternities and sororities on campus toward a common goal, and this example out of Penn State shows the power you can have when you get everyone’s buy in and are committed to a cause that defines what your University is all about.

Congratulations Penn State. I admire the work that you do.