Dr. Lynn Steinberg: In cases of parental alienation, what is the damage done to the child & parent?

Our next guest is Dr. Lynn Steinberg. She works with families, couples, groups, and individuals. She has specialized in working with children and adults abused as children for more than 47 years. Her interest and background grew naturally to embrace the psychological abuse of Parent Alienation, which she has specialized in for the last 13 years. She offers a Four Day Intensive Family Reunification program for Alienated Parents and their alienated children. It takes place in Los Angeles. She is an expert witness in Parent Alienation in the Children’s Court, Family Court and Criminal Court. She can also testify in every state and internationally to the mistreatment of alienated parents and children. Dr. Steinberg is a trained Mediator and has mediated for the Superior Court.

We find out why Dr. Steinberg chose Antioch University in Santa Barbara, what made her specialize in this niche area of parental alienation, what is the damage done to the parent who is alienated and the child, why an expert witness is needed in court cases, methods to treat alienated parents and children in terms of therapy and even self-care, more about her four day program with a goal being the reunion between parents and children, why we would choose an alienator to partner with and have children, whether there are laws to prevent parent alienation, and how we can help a parent who has been alienated. Enjoy!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka0p_Pkl3r4