Elizabeth Katkin: What is the impact of overturning Roe v. Wade on college students and applicants?
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Elizabeth (Liz) Katkin, is an accidental fertility expert. A lawyer and mother of two, Liz was in private practice for over 15 years, until her struggles to have children led her down an entirely new path. Her unexpected difficulties plunged her into the then-unknown world of reproductive medicine, leading her to explore every conceivable (and inconceivable) route to having a baby. Having successfully navigated her way to having her own two children, Liz has a passion for sharing what she has learned with others. When she is not talking about fertility with hopeful parents, she is often working with nonprofits, currently serving as Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Colorado Ballet. A graduate of Yale University and Columbia’s Law School and School of International and Public Affairs, she lives with her husband, Richard, and their children in Denver, Colorado. Conceivability is her first book.
In episode 311 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we find out why Liz chose Yale for her undergraduate experience, why she decided to go to Columbia Law School and become a lawyer, how she become the accidental fertility expert, what is the impact of overturning Roe v. Wade on our college students and college applicants, what are the ethical questions surrounding egg and sperm donation for college students, whether people should use surrogate mothers and how, if someone is looking to get pregnant whether diet, nutrition, and lifestyle choices will improve their odds, how someone can go about financing fertility, and why more people don’t talk about fertility issues. Enjoy!