Mariellen Jacobs: Why don’t all colleges provide safety rails on student bunks and lofts?

Mariellen Jacobs is the founder of Rail Against the Danger and co-founder of the College Safety Coaltion (CSC). She is also on staff at Shepherd Center where her son was rehabilitated after his accident. A devoted mom of two and a resident of Georgia for 31 years, her passion is to drive for lasting change in institutional bed design and college campus safety data collection.

In episode 402 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we find out why Mariellen’s son Clark decided on Georgia Tech, what she was thinking when Clark came home with a headache and couldn’t turn his neck, why safety rails for bunks and lofsts isn’t a bigger priority for colleges and universities when 71,000 people per year are injured falling out, what it was like to see her son graduate from Georgia Tech, what he still struggle with today, what our listeners can do to pass the COREY Safety Act of 2023, what else we can do to fight for children’s safety, and some of the other interesting research that she was able to uncover on the topic. Enjoy!
