Courtney Teasley: How are we going to end mass incarceration?

After ten years of practicing mainly criminal defense and making Nashville history as a judicial campaign manager, Courtney Teasley decided she didn’t want to wait until the next election to continue creating the change she wanted to see; she wanted more change, way faster. Now, she has converted her law practice into a full, PROACTIVE coaching and consulting firm where she can assist lawyers in starting their own criminal defense law practices with a trajectory to the bench, as well as train the community on how to represent themselves with a lawyer present by providing strategic defense case preparation. 

In episode 403 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we will find out why Courtney decided to attend Middle Tennessee State University for her undergraduate experience, why Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. was the right sorority, what made her want to go to law school, what it’s been like to have her own criminal defense law firm for the last 10 years, how Courtney was so successful as campaign manager for Khadija Babb, the youngest person ever elected as Criminal Court Judge in Nashville at the age of 35, how her books are critical for those disproportionately affected by the criminal justice system, how we’re going to end mass incarceration in this country, how we make a mindset shift from poverty to financial literacy, how we can ignite the activism of the world, and what are the types of organizations that Courtney has promoted that are proactively disrupting. Enjoy!
