Dr. Samantha Fecich: What success tips can you share for college freshmen?
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- Posted in Fraternity/Sorority
Today we have with us Dr. Samantha Fecich! She is currently an assistant professor and Instructional Technologist at Grove City College in Grove City, PA. Prior to that, she taught students with special needs for four years. She recently published a book, “EduMagic: A Guide for Pre-service Teachers” which brings to light the fact that teaching doesn’t begin when you walk across the stage at graduation, but instead during your first class at 8:00 AM your freshman year. With a little bit of edumagic you too can be an educator of excellence during your college career.
We find out why Dr. Fechich chose California University of Pennsylvania for her undergraduate experience, what is Educational Technology and what she teaches in this course, tips she can share for success as a college freshman, what types of jobs you can get as a college student to make some money, whether you should go home frequently to see family/friends if you live close to home, how you can ensure academic success in your freshman year, how to budget your money in college, what resources you can use on a college campus for mental health, and what students will learn in her new book called “EduMagic: A Guide for Pre-service Teachers”.
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3sC1IyWdZ8