Randy Rolfe: How do you create a life of balance and abundance?

“You Can Postpone Anything But Love” is Randy Rolfe’s mantra, and the title of the first of a number of bestselling books she has published on parenting and happy healthy family life. She became a lawyer looking to enter diplomacy, but soon discovered she had a gift for helping people directly. Randy founded the Institute for Creative Solutions and has been counseling families, teaching seminars and college level courses, and sharing my thoughts on network TV, radio, blogs and podcasts, ever since. If you want straight talk about how to build happiness around good relationships, health, life balance, parenting or grand-parenting, Randy is here for you!

In episode 420 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we find out why Randy chose UPenn for her undergraduate experience, her advice for parents of college students, what are some simple dietary steps to feed the brain, stay alert and focused, and even improve memory recall, what is Randy’s advice for college students that want to be successful in any college course, how you can deal with difficult people in your organization, what Shakespeare has in common with good leaders, how you can create a life of balance and abundance, how do you know if you’re meant for entrepreneurship, and how she came up with the mantra, “you can postpone anything but love”. Enjoy! 

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4EYX9PJ9W4