Chris Jankulovski: How do you shift your focus from a victim mentality?

Chris Jankulovski, author of “Near Death Lessons”, is the Founder and CEO of Remote Staff, a recruiting company specializing in remote working placements. Remarkably, he was able to build and grow this thriving business while battling cancer, failing kidneys and several brain operations. Throughout these challenges and more, Chris was able to find a way to transform his life from one of fear, struggle and self-doubt, to one of empowerment, success, health and happiness.

In episode 358 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we find out what the doctors told him about the angiomas in his eyes at age 19, what it was like when he flatlined during an operation, how he shifted his focus from a victim mentality, why he fell in love with the Philippines and the people there, why college students should go after their dreams right now, and what is the importance of setting an example for others to follow. Enjoy!
