Betsy Corridan: What would our Founders think about fraternities and sororities today?

Welcome to episode # 114 of Fraternity Foodie. Today we have with us the Chief Executive Officer of Kappa Alpha Theta, Betsy Corridan! Just yesterday Theta celebrated their Founders Day as they celebrate a 151 year legacy of a welcoming, empowering, supportive space that all sisters are able to cherish in their own way.

We find out why Betsy chose the University of Iowa for her undergraduate experience, what made that chapter of Theta the right fit for her, more about Betsy’s family life and upbringing, Betsy’s dedication to her career, what she is most proud of during her time at headquarters, what the Interfraternal friendships mean to her, what the Founders of Kappa Alpha Theta would think about sororities today, how our chapters can continue to flourish despite the pandemic, what Betsy has seen with the philanthropic partnership at CASA, and what’s next for Betsy as she decides to move to the West Coast. You’ll also hear her favorite Indianapolis restaurant, and it’s not something you would expect! Enjoy!
