Robert Alberts: What does a crisis management plan look like for chapters?
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- Posted in Fraternity/Sorority
As the Coordinator Sr. for Res Life Student Assistance and Student Conduct at Northern Arizona University, Robert Alberts is going to tell you all about the three C’s on college campuses right now: Conduct, Care, and COVID-19.
On episode # 127 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, Robert tells us why he chose Illinois State for his undergraduate experience, how his various experiences as an undergraduate shaped and directed his future career, what he’s working on now at Northern Arizona University, his volunteer roles as a chapter counselor and District Chief with Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Delta Gamma’s Alcohol Skills Training, what a chapter needs to think about with their crisis management plan, the future of The Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Ally College Conference, what a diversity and equity plan look like for a chapter, and his favorite food in Flagstaff, Arizona.