Joe Saul-Sehy: What are some good ways to make additional income while you’re in college?

Joe Saul-Sehy is a former financial advisor (16 years) and represented American Express and Ameriprise in the media. He was the “Money Man” at Detroit television WXYZ-TV, appearing twice weekly. He’s appeared in Bride, Best Life, and Child magazines, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Detroit News and Baltimore Sun newspapers. He’s also appeared online in more than 200 different places, including and

In episode 276, we find out why he chose The Citadel in South Carolina, what happened when he signed up for a free credit card card in college, how students can timeline their goals, how to set up a money dashboard, how college students can manage their debt, what kind of insurance college students should be getting, investing advice for college students, what are good financial apps to get a handle on your finances, and ways to make additional income in college. Enjoy!

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