Christopher Lee Maher: What to do when you feel burnout

What to do when you feel burnout? Here’s some advice from Christopher Lee Maher who went from Navy SEALer to Master HEALer! Drawing from his own journey through intense physical, mental & emotional stress as a child & in the military, Christopher developed powerful methods for transforming stress & unlocking the body’s true potential. Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine & the Universal Healing Tao System, Christopher’s True Body Intelligence System merges ancient wisdom with modern scientific principles to help his clients achieve the outcomes they desire most. Christopher’s system is considered a “Secret Weapon” amongst many NCAA, Professional & Olympic athletes.

In episode 508 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we find out why Christopher wanted to be a Navy SEAL, what was the impact of the stress on him and how he got better, what is the True Body Intelligence System, what are 3 ways students can incorporate breath to overcome chronic stress, what you should do when you feel burnout, mistakes people make when managing stress, if our fitness regimen is actually working against us, how to heal deep emotional wounds without therapy, and what our listeners will learn by picking up Chris’ book called “Free For Life”. Enjoy!
