Carla Douglin: Fake pills in college

Fake pills in college is definitely something we need to talk about! Carla Douglin leads At Safety Net Solutions Initiative (SNSI), their mission is to revolutionize harm reduction by expanding awareness and providing a lifeline to those in need. They are committed to dramatically increasing public knowledge of and access to harm reduction tools and solutions, ensuring that life-saving resources are accessible when and where they are needed most. Inspired by Jane Goodall’s wisdom, they strive to create a safer and more informed community.

In episode 476 of the Fraternity Foodie Podcast, we find out what made Carla want to provide life-saving Narcan kits through cutting-edge vending machines, what is the lethal truth about fake pills that are circulating on today’s college campuses, what are the myths around opioids, what is the right source, how college students can spot fake pills on their campus, what Carla means by “talk it out”, why we should be locking our medications, how Narcan works and where we can find it, and what are Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Strips. Enjoy!
